Tuesday 15 February 2011

So Far Behind...

Eeek, I am so far behind with this blog. Right, time to catch up!

Last week we watched The Young Ones,

The film tells the story of a youth club who's members are trying to stop a millionaire property tycoon from buying up the club and tearing it down. To stop the club from being taken away from them, the members decide to fight back and need to raise the money to stop the millionaire, so, how do you do it? How'd you do what? How do you put on a show? That's right the members of the youth club long to sing and dance, and are actually quite good at it. When the theatre they have chosen to use, gets bought up by the millionaire they decide to get serious and secretive. By using a pirate radio station they broadcast the dreamy midnight mystery singer to drum up interest in the show, but don't reveal the venue until the day of the show. As soon as the day comes and the venue details are released the millionaire jumps straight on it and moves in to buy out the theatre. A number of the members decide to go after the millionaire to rough him up a little, this causes the star of the show, the mystery singer (who is of course, Cliff) to step forward and defend his father - the property tycoon, after the really really bad fight scenes father and son hug and make up, causing dear old dad to decide to build the youths a whole new youth club, Yey!

There a few catchy tunes in this one, but a good few cringe worthy moments too!

  • Rewatchability 5
  • Sing-a-long 6
  • Story/Plot 7
  • Overall 7


  • Rewatchablilty 6
  • Sing-a-long 6
  • Story/Plot 6
  • Overall 6

Total 49

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