Sunday 6 February 2011

Sneeky extra....

Along with owning a silly amount of DVDs, I also rent via the post - this week this landed on my doorstep, and as it fits nicely within my musical rules I have had to add it in (although technically we watched it on a Friday, not a Monday)So, another Disney film, not that anyone could ever get bored of Disney (also went to see Tangled this week - maybe I should include that here to?)

This is a modern twist on the classic fairytale where a Princess kisses a frog and he turns into the prince she has been searching for, although this doesn't quite happen in this film, in true Disney happily ever after style the main heroine Tiana - a waitress, not a princess - does get her prince in the end.

Based in New Orleans we meet Tiana, a feisty young girl who believes that the only way you get anything in life is through hard work and not wishing - especially upon a star. Her dream is to own her own restaurant in memory of her father, and she is working two jobs to get there. Enter Prince Naveen, fresh of the boat from being cut off my his parents, penniless and loving the jazz scene, his only aim is to marry a young girl who's daddy can provide the type of lifestyle he has become accustomed to. The naive young prince is intercepted by the shadow man, who of course, offers him everything he wants - but actually leaves him as a frog and turns Naveens man servant into Naveen as he is far easier to manipulate.

After Tiana has her dream of her restaurant ripped form her she is desperate enough to turn to the stars, when she looks down Prince Naveen, in frog form, is ready with puckers lips (do frogs even have lips??) after a little persuasion, Tiana believes there is nothing to loose and kisses Naveen - but Tiana is only dresses as a princess for a party which means she does not have the power to change Naveen back - in fact the opposite happens and Tiana is transformed into a Frog.

A complete adventure ensues mainly in the bayous of Louisiana to return themselves back into humans, along the way they meet a jazz trumpet playing alligator called Louis, a dopey but adorable and film stealing firefly by the name of Ray and a blind conjurer Mama Odie. Thanks to its sitting this film has a brilliant jazzy, toe tapping soundtrack that really works with the film and moves it along. This was my first viewing of this film and I loved it, the heroine is feisty and modern yet still manages to fall in love and get everything she never knew she wanted or needed! Disney have definitely done it again it lifted my heart and made me believe in magic all over again, I think I will have to add it to my DVD collection!

Oh and Tiana is voiced my one of the dreamgirls - so man can she sing!

  • Rewatchability 6
  • Sing-a-long 5
  • Story/Plot 6
  • Overall 7


  • Rewatchability 8
  • Sing-a-long 7
  • Story/Plot 7
  • Overall 8

Total - 54

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