Wednesday 2 March 2011

Mad March.

Behind. Again. Doh.
To catch up I am going to put up the results of the films we have watched and try and come back later, to write up my reviews.

Sweeny Todd

  • Rewatchability 3
  • Sing a long 1
  • Story 5
  • Overall 5


  • Rewatchability 5
  • Sing a long 2
  • Story 6
  • Overall 5
Total 32

Whilst mum and I were on the sicky sofa on our first day off sick in years, we slipped another musical in, out of the tin came Carousel. One I have never seen before (and may never again)
  • Rewatchability 1
  • Sing a long 2
  • Story 1
  • Overall 3


  • Rewatchability 1
  • Sing a long 2
  • Story 2
  • Overall 2

Total 14 (eeek)

And, this week was the turn of The Aristocats, another Disney goodie.

  • Rewatchability 4
  • Sing A Long 3
  • Story 5
  • Overall 6


  • Rewatchability 6
  • Sing A Long 5
  • Story 6
  • Overall 7

Total 42

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