Monday 28 March 2011

Enough said.

The Lion King

Today was the turn of The Lion King

This has got to be near the top of my favourite Disney films and once again thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie!

Everyone knows the story of The Lion King - so I'm not going to get into it to much. All I'm going to say is - animation - great, story - great, music - great, Disney magic - awesome!


  • Rewatchability 8

  • Sing-a-long 8

  • Story 9

  • Overall 9


  • Rewatchability 8

  • Sing-a-long 9

  • Story 9

  • Overall 9

Total 69 out of 80 Yey!!

(is it wrong that every time I watch this film I want Scar to be good? Every time he disappoints.)


March has far proven to be exactly what I predicted, MAD, so we have fallen a little behind :(

Last Monday, though, we picked back up and watched Moulin Rouge. Another film that I have seen many times, and still love. The first few minuets of this film reveal the ending, which as a girl who regularly reads the last page of a book after only a couple of chapters, I wasn't too put off by and I have to admit the first time I watched the film I was completely swept away with the story and had forgotten what I was told at the beginning anyway.

A young guy moves to Paris around 1900 to live out his bohemian dreams and without any real plan or aim gets swept along for the ride at the Moulin Rouge falling hook line and sinker for the star courtesan, who in turn falls right back in love. The only problem (well apart from the fact that she sells herself) is that she has been promised to a Duke who is investing in the Moulin Rouge. Can the writer and courtesan prove that love can conquer all? Well, maybe love can, but it seems that medicine in 1900 can not.

I love the soundtrack of this film, there are some really great mash ups and a couple of odd performances (like a virgin), but the stand out for me is the 'Roxanne' Argentine tango! Definitely worth a watch.


  • Rewatchability 6

  • Sing-a-long 6

  • Story 7

  • Overall 6

  • Rewatchability 6

  • Sing-a-long 7

  • Story 6

  • Overall 7

Total 51/80

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Mad March has started...

So I am not at home next Monday - I'm jetting off to the Venice Carnival. Whoo hoo, so we have pulled our next film and are going to watch it on Tuesday instead. Next up is..

Mad March.

Behind. Again. Doh.
To catch up I am going to put up the results of the films we have watched and try and come back later, to write up my reviews.

Sweeny Todd

  • Rewatchability 3
  • Sing a long 1
  • Story 5
  • Overall 5


  • Rewatchability 5
  • Sing a long 2
  • Story 6
  • Overall 5
Total 32

Whilst mum and I were on the sicky sofa on our first day off sick in years, we slipped another musical in, out of the tin came Carousel. One I have never seen before (and may never again)
  • Rewatchability 1
  • Sing a long 2
  • Story 1
  • Overall 3


  • Rewatchability 1
  • Sing a long 2
  • Story 2
  • Overall 2

Total 14 (eeek)

And, this week was the turn of The Aristocats, another Disney goodie.

  • Rewatchability 4
  • Sing A Long 3
  • Story 5
  • Overall 6


  • Rewatchability 6
  • Sing A Long 5
  • Story 6
  • Overall 7

Total 42